Recent Content by sandielee

  1. sandielee member from frigid Minnesota!

    Bonnie Blue sends a  warm hello from Bloomington!
  2. member from frigid Minnesota! member from frigid Minnesota!

  3. Siam Cat.JPG

    Siam Cat.JPG

  4. sandielee

    Sleeping Kitties!

    Here is Bonnie Blue all curled it when they sleep!  I have caught her dreaming and her tail fluffs out like a fat raccoon tail!  No doubt she is fighting off all evil in her sleep with her Super Cat cape flying in the breeze!
  5. Sleeping Kitties!

    Sleeping Kitties!

  6. B blue close up.jpg

    B blue close up.jpg

  7. sandielee

    Does anyone else have a cat with a smooth tongue?

    We first thought of the name Bridget for this stray that would not go away.  Then I took "Bridget" to our vet and she told me that I may want to sit down for this news but that our "Bridget" was a "Bob" so now my husband and I call him BBK (Bridget Bob Kitty)
  8. sandielee

    Does anyone else have a cat with a smooth tongue?

    Our adopted stray black cat also has a smooth tongue.  This is the first cat that I have noticed this with.  Glad to read that he is not the only feline with this.  He is in very good company.
  9. I only have eyes for you.jpg

    I only have eyes for you.jpg

  10. Cat Picture Of The Month - Halloween!

    Cat Picture Of The Month - Halloween!

  11. sandielee

    Cat Picture Of The Month - Halloween!

    This is our adopted stray cat  BBK...He is considering applying for the seasonal job!
  12. Apply Within.jpg

    Apply Within.jpg
