Recent Content by samson smith

  1. S

    Do high frequency noise devices deter cats ?

    The most easy way to get rid of cats is to use a the powder that contains a scent and spread it around the area where you are having a cat problems. This powder is safe for your plants and grass, and will not harm the cats or other animals in any way. It is only repel them from the area.
  2. S

    Do high frequency noise devices deter cats ?

    Yes, you are right. I know another type of cat repeller that I discuss with you. This repeller uses an electromagnetic field in your home and drives out the rodents. Once you will plug this in to a 1300 volt wall outlet. The electrical wiring in your walls and floors will vibrate its...
  3. S

    Do high frequency noise devices deter cats ?

    OK, I agree with you. There are many devices that send out high frequency sounds undetectable by human ears. These are designed to deter animals from coming within range. It's a bit like you hearing a screeching noise. You want to move away from that I'm sure. Just make sure that whatever type...