Recent Content by rosy1116

  1. R

    Baby kitty hurt himself. Please help :(

    I checked his paw and he has nothing in between them, his claws are good as well. I did notice the hurt paw is warmer than the rest. He's walking on his toes from what I can see. He's been running around kind of passing through it but he continuously holds his hurt paw up to us. Should I isolate...
  2. Rosy here.

    Rosy here.

  3. R

    Rosy here.

    Hello all! New cat momma in town ! My name is Rosy living in Florida. I'm 24 and I have 3 babies ! Gunther my oldest, Arabella the princess and my youngest boy Luffy. Hope to make some nice cat Mommas acquaintances :) and make some good conversation :D I've including a few pictures for you...
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  8. R

    Baby kitty hurt himself. Please help :(

    Hello everyone, Rosy from Miami here. So I was hoping you all could ease my mind tonight. I have three babies and my younger luffy is just about 7-8 weeks old. We found him on the parking lot of our apartment complex when he was just days old, and we couldn't just leave him there! Anyhow we've...