Recent Content by rolocat

  1. R

    Babies nursing too much

    Hi. Many thanks for your replies. Really helpful and appreciated. The father has been neutered. The vet who did the c section said she doesn't like doing the spay same time of c section to avoid more risks of complications! She's booked to go for spay in 6 wks time. I have heard of the stims...
  2. R

    Babies nursing too much

    Forgot to mention that the girl was born with 71g and the boy with 90g. 14 days old today and they are 268g for the girl and 310g for the boy! They are 3wks old kittens weight!!! They are very clever and starting to want play with front paws and try to bite my finger. They move around the nest...
  3. R

    Babies nursing too much

    Hi, I'm new here, though I've been reading so much in this page. The advise I read here has been way more precious than my vets!!! My female cat has become a mom 2 wks ago exactly. She had to have emergency c-section. Only 2 out of 4 babies survived. She managed to nurse them with the colostrum...