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    Cat tossing mouse

    My cat caught a mouse today. She started to play with it. She repeatedly tossed in the air and then ate it. Good girl.
  4. R


    I call out to her, "Sally!" and she replies "Meow!". Sally and my chicken don't get along. Sally really doesn't get along with any other animal that I know. My chicken comes running on the rustling sound of a plastic bag that contain/may contain/may have contained food. And, if Sally is in the...
  5. R


    I gently tap her side and she purrs. She loves to have the back of her head scratched, but her ears, not so much.
  6. R


    Sometimes, she comes to see me to get petted, rubs her tail against my leg. When I'm done petting her and move forward, she reaches for my foot with her paw, as if to say "Don't go!".
  7. R


    Sometimes, when she rubs her head against my feet, she's so enthusiastic that she falls over. When she zooms past me, sometimes, using the momentum from her running, she climbs in a tree, 6 or 7 feet up, and comes back down. The fact that she never intended to go all the way up the tree tells...
  8. R


    I used to watch her while was sleeping. I could see her paws twitching sometimes. I wondered what she was dreaming about. Good dreams or bad dreams? How was her life before me? I think she's happier now with me.
  9. R


    She loves to follow me when I go about my business around the property. Sometimes, she gets distracted and she gets left behind. When I call her, she realizes that she's away from me and comes running back to me. Zoooom! She's so funny! She's my love. I think she likes to show off. She's...
  10. R


    Here's Sally, making herself so pretty. She's my pride, my love. To think that there was a time that I was considering giving up on her. I adopted her from an animal shelter as part of a "buy one, get one free" deal. My first purpose was to get a tabby for pest control. When I learned about...
  11. R


    My cat Sally loves to follow me around the property. But sometimes she gets distracted and she gets left behind. Then, I call her, and she realizes that she's away from me and then she comes running back to me. Zooooom! I think she likes to show off. She's so funny!