Recent Content by renovia

  1. renovia

    Hello again

    I wanted to find you on my mobile since that's where I do my forum work now. Thank goodness for tapatalk!
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  12. renovia

    grape nut cereal

    yeah I looked at the box after I posted the thread. I think they'll be ok, if not an upset tummy at most. I don't think they ate much I measured what was left. Heck, I don't even like the cereal I can't imagine they enjoyed it.
  13. renovia

    grape nut cereal

    my two cats knocked over grape nut cereal while I was gone and I'm sure ate some, I can't find anything online about it - is it really bad?
  14. renovia

    Slowing down a fast eater

    We give stoli and Luxor a little bit of kibble here and there and so they don't have a whole stomach full of kibble at once. As for wet food we push stoli's around with a spoon so he has to wait a second before the next bite
  15. renovia

    I got a gift from my SS!! - 2009 SS Gift Thread

    okok! I will post them tomorrow - I'll keep my goods and bads short! I got confused when the card said fluffybutts and had a different picture - not Aristotle/Topaz and Jan's siggy said fuzzybutts..... I will post pictures - but I have to say those creme de menthe brownies were TO DIE FOR...