Recent Content by ratter

  1. ratter

    Constipated/Lethargic-terrified mommy

    Thank you Denice! In an update since yesterday he seems to be urinating just fine...all over my stuff... and he had a bout of diarrhea on the floor with a few chunks in it. This is the first evidence I've seen of a bowel movement but he does hide often. We have quarantined him to one room and...
  2. ratter

    Constipated/Lethargic-terrified mommy

    Thank you so much for your reply!! The vet told me to feed him only baby food and bland wet cat food for 5 days. They also said I may want to syringe feed if he doesn't eat. However that came from the vet assistant not the vet so maybe I need to talk directly to the vet. I will definitely ask...
  3. ratter

    OK. You win. I love you.

    Oh my goodness they are gorgeous! They just look so silky and snuggly!!!!!!!!
  4. ratter

    I'll have a large Pepperoni Piz....oh, wrong place? Oops, well then hello, my name is...

    Ashe.  I belong to a fine gentleman named Poe Cheeto who has owned my heart for his entire 6 years on this planet. We met in a field where we shared roast beef and he chased away a dog. It was truly love at first sight and we have been inseparable since. If a person ever believed in a spirit...
  5. ratter

    Constipated/Lethargic-terrified mommy

    Sorry for the long post...I'm frantic at this point. I will post an introduction thread too, but at the moment I just need...I don't even know.  My cat started vomiting quite suddenly Wednesday afternoon. We thought it might be the treats we gave him or a hairball because sometimes it does...