Recent Content by rachleigh

  1. R

    Automatic Feeder?

    Well all it took was some chicken in the bowl and she's eating from it now! Thank god! And yes she has always had a running water bowl/fountain thing. And a family member is able to come and change that for us about half way through the four days and scoop out her litter trays and give her some...
  2. R

    Automatic Feeder?

    She'll have to get used to it or she'll starve while we're gone for four days! Lucky I bought it early and we've got 6 weeks to hopefully teach her!
  3. R

    Automatic Feeder?

    She's normally not picky that's the funny thing! If she gets used to it I'll probably use it all the time, for early mornings atleast... maybe then she won't wake us at 5am she'll just wait for it feed her lol! Then we'll feed her the rest of her meals as usual. I've set it to go again today...
  4. R

    Automatic Feeder?

    I have to go away for a couple of days over New Years and don't have anyone that is close by to come and feed my cat. I have bought an automatic feeder that can feed her dry four times a day, she normally has wet as well but for three days dry only will be fine. Atleast she's eaten! Only problem...
  5. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Yeah I'll have to discuss diet with the vet, I'm sure some kind of change will help. But here is a picture of her!
  6. Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

  7. image.jpeg


  8. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Yes massive relief! She'll still need regular vet visits for the next 2 years or so but then hopefully it should be under control as it is just a juvenile thing. I'll let you know how she goes in two weeks time after the dental, X-rays and trimming the gums
  9. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Sorry for the late reply! So, after consulting with the specialist we now know that Lexi has juvenile gingivitis. My vet didn't even know what is was, so has learnt something along the way. Socialist has advised It is manageable and should clear up but the time she is 2, and has recommended she...
  10. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Next week sometime she is having X-rays. Yeah my vet wanted to consult a specialist before making any decision. She said Lexi's teeth look perfectly healthy upon visual inspection it's just the gums "rejecting" I guess. The poor little thing they are horribly grown over you can't see her back...
  11. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Yeah massive freak out from me!! She's only 9 months old. So if it is stomatitis the vet would like to control it down other way for a while, no one really wants to take all the teeth from a baby!
  12. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    Well red gums were picked up on a visit just for vaccinations and we were told to keep an eye on the redness as it may be because she was teething at the time. Redness got worse and inflammation is very bad now growing over her molars. Vet has taken photos to send to a specialist for advice at...
  13. R

    Gingivitis Stomatitis help!

    So we've just been told our little Lexi only 9 months old has gingivitis stomatitis! Does anyone have experience with this? I'm starting to panic and stress about costs involved in a full tooth extraction and then still possibly needing on going medication as well. Anyone who has a kitty with this?
  14. R

    How much should my cat be eating

    Well it's a wonderful thing you do, if I had more time and I thought Lexi would cope I'd love to do that! But unfortunately my work hours wouldn't be ideal and think it would upset my Lexi Girl. I am happy knowing I saved her and gave her a better life though :)
  15. R

    How much should my cat be eating

    Yes she's a precious little thing! If whinging for food is her only flaw then I'm happy haha! But yes she definitely seems perfectly happy being an only cat and lapping up all our our attention. Being so shy and timid I think the other cats dominated over her a fair bit. She has come out of her...