Recent Content by rachaelkn2009

  1. R

    Pup Pregnancy?

    Yeah She's in heat. I have them in a large kennel now (when I'm not outside with them) and waiting for the humane society to send me the discount coupons I signed up for.. since I have two females. Thanks everyone for the help!
  2. R

    Dealing with stress...?

    I usually cry when I'm stressed. I know that sounds weird.. but I feel so much better. I confide in my boyfriend or my parents and usually in the mix of tellin' them I end up crying a lot.. and then I feel relaxed.. maybe a little embarrased but.. better. Talking really gets me through.. I'm...
  3. R

    Pup Pregnancy?

    Ok. Thank You for your help!
  4. R

    Pup Pregnancy?

    They are around 8 months.. but I know.. thats why I'm really confused. But like I said when I did plan to take them in ( a month or two ago), it didnt happen because of money issues.. I mean it's my fault I'm not making excuses, but I am really worried about her. I feel like a bad pet mommy...
  5. R

    Pup Pregnancy?

    Yeah I plan on talking to the vet tomorrow. I just need piece of mind for the night.. thank you so much for replying.. I really hope she is just in heat.. I actually bought them a kennel today like 2 hours ago because I'm not going to be home much and I want them put up during the night...
  6. R

    Pup Pregnancy?

    Also was wondering if she is pregnant could she die giving birth since she is so small and young? All the male dogs around here are large.. Purynese, labs, border collie, those are the only ones that I have ever seen around the area. We have a male pitbull but he is neutered and he loves those...
  7. R

    Pup Pregnancy?

    Ok.. so my two female pups (pug/rat terrior mix) that I rescued in May were barely 6 weeks old.. if that. They wouldnt take solid or canned food.. they wanted milk so I'm guessing they were still about 5 weeks. Anyways.. as they got bigger I inquired about getting them both spayed since mom let...
  8. R

    Help! Puppy's eyes are extremely swollen, along with bumps on head, and wheezing!

    Well we gave her another small dose of Benedryl around 12:00 last night four hours after the last dose.. and I stayed up until around 4 with her.. I fell asleep and woke up at 6:30 and when I went to check on her .. she was back to normal! She was hyper running around and she looked perfectly...
  9. R

    Help! Puppy's eyes are extremely swollen, along with bumps on head, and wheezing!

    I couldn't get a hold of anyone. We don't have an animal hospital that close to us.. that I know of. My mom's friend said that her dog did that and benedryl helped so I'm hoping she'll get through the night!
  10. R

    Help! Puppy's eyes are extremely swollen, along with bumps on head, and wheezing!

    I really need suggestions! My puppy is really sick! She was fine earlier today.. but a couple hours later I went outside to find her laying down in the dirt and unresponsive. She was awake, but wouldn't even move her tail at the sound of my voice.. I picked her up and noticed her whole body was...
  11. R

    Question Of The Day - Wednesday, July 8th!

    I just graduated highschool in May.. so I still live with my parents.. but we live in a 4 bedroom/ 2 bedroom house.. out in the country with plenty of acres. I've lived here for 13 years. Parents have it paid off. I love it.. but I want to be on my own in about 2 years after my associates degree...
  12. R

    Meet our new rescue! Kamie!!

    Aww She's cute and already acting like the Princess
  13. R

    Most unusual Kitty names?

    My sister named her cat LuPita... Pita for short.. it always reminded me of Pita Bread, anyways.. well LuPita ended up getting out.. and well we found her a couple days later.. she could have been attacked by a coyote or dog... it was sad... but on the other hand my mom found a little kitten...
  14. R


    Aw.. atleast he passed in the hands of someone who cared for him You did all you could do!
  15. R

    Game - Word Association

    ........ car