Recent Content by poppy0109

  1. poppy0109

    Why does my cat drop puff balls in her water bowl?

    I got a litter one, but clean.    Teddy has a separate smaller litter for him to roll around in that is clean.  I've found toys in that.
  2. poppy0109

    Why does my cat drop puff balls in her water bowl?

    My Teddy does that with his chirpy little bird toy.  I find it in his food bowl all the time.  I imagine that he says this to himself, "I'm having so much fun playing with this toy....OH, I'm hungry, but I don't want to drop my toy, but I want to eat right now, but my toy, no my food, no...
  3. poppy0109

    FIP & Freya..

    I had to make the hard decision of letting my 4 1/2 yr old Poppy go to the rainbow bridge in 08/13.  He had dry FIP.  He went blind in one eye, he was super bloated, could barely walk & just looked so sad & miserable.  The vet had said that dry FIP could travel throughout his body & start...
  4. poppy0109

    Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

    bigperm20: It's the exact opposite.  My dad worked for GM & retired to TN. MomofMaxwell: I'm sorry for your loss.  How fun to take the cat camping!  & I bet he looked so cute in his coats.  I let Teddy walk me.  We go where he wants to go.
  5. poppy0109

    Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

    Actually, I bought him this octagon pen but he just kept meowing his head off until I took him out of it & put him on my lap.  Then I got the idea to try to put him on a leash.  He still meows at me, but it's...
  6. poppy0109

    Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

    Thank you StephenQ! Now that he has been outside & loves it, I would like to keep taking him out.  & people get a kick out of seeing a cat walk on a leash! I live in Michigan, so it is already in the low 40's at night.  BRRRR! I am taking him to TN to visit my parents, this month.  I think I...
  7. poppy0109

    Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

    I've been reading threads here about what brand of meds to use & not use...but the more I read, the more confused I get.  Help please! My cat Teddy is 1 year 3 months old & he weighs 8.3 lbs.  I just took him to the vet.  I told them I was taking Teddy outside on a harness & leash & I'm only...
  8. Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

    Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

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  10. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    Reading that other thread, Poppy's RBC was at 10, then it went up to 18 after blood transfusion, then it went back to 12.  He's still eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom really well, which could be from the steroids.  He does not look happy.  And now it seems like his allergy pills are...
  11. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    The vet thinks he has dry FIP.  She is going to consult with an intern for a second opinion, and if I want, she said I can get a second opinion from an intern.  Is a vet intern different than a human intern? My poor sweet Poppy
  12. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    No, the emergency vet only tested for FeLV.  This is the first blood work the vet has gotten.  If they come back negative, my vet wants to consult some other vets or something.  She cannot figure out the severe anemia plus the eye stuff.  But why wouldn't she know about uveitis?  She's a great...
  13. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    He's still super anemic.  He can't see out of his left eye.  They are testing his blood for toxoplasmosis and FIV. I can't take this...
  14. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    Poppy pooped!  LOL  Just a tiny little bit and it was solid & brown.  Yay for being happy over some poop! Also, I think he has improved just a slight bit (hope I'm not imagining it).  He's walking a little faster and better.  Still stumbles and falls over though. I got rid of the California...
  15. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    Yes, I talked to the vet today.  We still are waiting until Monday for testing his blood. He had xrays taken at the emergency vet.  Them and the vet seemed certain there was no internal bleeding. He is eating & drinking really well.  He popped a tiny little bit Sunday night.  He has not pooped...