Recent Content by polsmum

  1. P

    Mystery solved!!!!!

    Gorgeous Zander will end up with her own fan club at this rate!
  2. P

    Mystery solved!!!!!

    So pleased for you. She sounds wonderful and she is a very fortunate little girl to have found you.
  3. P

    Mystery solved!!!!!

    I hope Zander is continuing to do well. I have been following all what you and she have been through and was so pleased to hear of the final outcome. I hope you 2 have many happy years together.
  4. P

    Mystery solved!!!!!

    You have been through the woods with this little one and I so hope for you that her improvement keeps going now and that her poor nose soon gets back to normal. I wish you many happy years with your little miracle cat!
  5. P

    Sophie's Hairball Problem

    Sounds to me like you've hit the nail on the head. I bet she's jealous of your boyfriend. I think you're doing really well with her. My cat was a stray and is still very insecure, over grooming until his legs are bald and it can be over such little things-to us. I wish you and Sophie well and...
  6. P

    Sophie's Hairball Problem

    That sounds likely. They are such sensitive little critters! She's probably insecure because of the attention you need to give to the other kitty, but sounds like you're doing a great job to me! My cat worries me at times too, then the crisis seems to pass! Perhaps she's still settling in? You...
  7. P

    Sophie's Hairball Problem

    She looks beautiful. I'm just wondering whether there's something else making her sick? I can't think she needs shaving because she should be able to cope with her long coat. Is it worth having her checked in case, say, a food intolerance is to blame?
  8. P

    Mystery solved!!!!!

    Just to say I think it is wonderful how you've helped little Xander. We adopted a stray last summer and had similar ups and downs and he is now wonderfully happy and healthy. So good luck to you and the little one.
  9. P

    Advice Please! Started Feeding a Family of Ferals (1 adult and 5 kittens) in Backyard

    I think Ondine had good advice for you. I u dee stand that the poor cats are terrified, but I'd call in expert help as soon as possible. Because they will breed even more, I'd begin trapping them soon, in whichever way experts suggest. I wish you all the very best. Thank goodness caring people...
  10. P

    Advice Please! Started Feeding a Family of Ferals (1 adult and 5 kittens) in Backyard

    I think what you are doing is fantastic and I believe that spaying the cats is the kindest way forward. I know you don't want to frighten them, but if you can you really need to get them to the vet. I know this is not easy. Do you have a cat carrier you could put food into as a humane trap? I...
  11. P

    Can't cope being away from my cat :(

    Thank you both so much for your kind and helpful comments. It's reassuring to know others feel like this too. I know the cattery is brilliant and I trust them. I just know he won't understand! But thanks again LTS3 and Irina Sak. Xx
  12. P

    Can't cope being away from my cat :(

    I just dropped off my beautiful little cat to an excellent cattery where the people are very caring. Even so, I feel terrible, as if I've abandoned him. Unfortunately, I had no other option and I just hope he's ok. Have to be away for a while, but am missing him badly.
  13. P


    Thank you for this help too. It's really good of you all to offer so much helpful advice. Best wishes
  14. P


    Thanks; excellent suggestions! Will get some epo first I think and try that. Is it to take by mouth or put on skin? All the best,
  15. P


    Thanks for your reply. No, the vet didn't offer any ideas, but I suppose it could be good. I try all different sorts for him, so I could leave out one sort at a time to experiment. Best wishes & thanks again.