Recent Content by pmfan

  1. pmfan

    Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Advice/Support

    our vet prescribed Prazosin when max was recovering from urethra blockage surgery in Oct 2013.  he had a few flare ups after surgery and the Prazosin helped; however, since we've started giving him 100mls sub q fluids 2x/week in early April, he has had one minor flare up. i recently started...
  2. pmfan

    Buprenorphine/Buprenex SR side effects

    Both of my elderly cats with kidney disease were recently given one dose of 3MG/ML buprenorphine for pain (unrelated to kidney disease) and both had the same adverse reaction of  NO sleep, dilated pupils for 3 days.  One meowed all night the first night.  Just wanted to share my experience...