Recent Content by peppy6

  1. peppy6

    Fly me to the moon

    So sorry to hear about your loss.  Jasper was an adorable little guy and was obviously very well loved. He looks so happy and content in each of those pictures you posted.  I hope you are able to continue to find joy in the memories you have of him and to feel the love that you both shared for...
  2. peppy6

    To my Pipsqueak, with love, whom I lost one year ago today.

    What a beautiful tribute to your Pipsqueak and great pictures!  I am so so sorry for your loss but so very happy to see the sweet memories and love left behind in your world by the little guy.  May those continue to make you smile!
  3. peppy6

    Comment by 'peppy6' in article 'When A Cat Becomes Your Friend'

    My little Riley was such a good buddy- he loved to be around us and followed us everywhere as we moved around our apartment.  When I would sit on the couch and watch TV or do some work on my laptop he'd come over and sit right in my lap or next to me with his head in my lap.  He was such a...
  4. peppy6

    Confusion anger and depression

    Wow, I am so sad and disappointed after reading this thread.  I am so so sorry for your loss and for the manner in which it occurred.  I think it is great that you are reaching out to the director of that office of the humane society so that they may be aware of the events taking place in their...
  5. peppy6

    We lost our Riley

    Thank you so much for your response and thoughts and prayers.  You are right, the memories and love will always always be a part of us and for that I feel truly lucky.  When we went to the shelter to adopt a cat I remember playing with a cat in a cage above Riley...little Riley was in the bottom...
  6. peppy6

    We lost our Riley

    So well said, Margret, thanks again so much for your wisdom and advice.  They are truly speaking to me...
  7. peppy6

    We lost our Riley

    Thank you so much for this honest and helpful advice.  I have never had a pet before Riley so I did not understand the attachment and love I would feel until we adopted him.  While nobody has come out and said anything along the lines of "get over it" or "he was just a cat,"  I can tell by the...
  8. peppy6

    We lost our Riley

    My little Riley.
  9. When a cat is dying...

    When a cat is dying...

  10. IMG_7009.JPG


  11. peppy6

    We lost our Riley

    I just discovered TCS and am so happy I did.  Thank you to everyone for your posts and to each of you that have lost a furry friend I am truly sorry.  Last week we suddenly lost our buddy Riley, he was only 1.5 years old.  We adopted him when he was about 4 months ago and he was truly such a...