Recent Content by paige267

  1. P

    Please someone help me I'm desperate

    Yh I got the other half to bring home he only .6kg so could only have half so got the other to give him as soon as he is ready. I been and bought the formula after and more food. Thank you all so so much for your help
  2. P

    Please someone help me I'm desperate

    Ok just got back from vets he has round worms and tapeworms so they have given him a worming tablet. Everything else seems OK just have to monitor him if it doesn't get better go back. Thank you all so so much for helping me I panic so easily when it comes to my boys. Sorry to get all panicked...
  3. P

    Please someone help me I'm desperate

    Thank you all. Well I'm feeding him a 1\4 wet pouch 3 times a day but he eating left overs from his brothers. Ok so can I buy this formula in a supermarket? And can the worms be dangerous? He always has water and I have seenot him drinking. If it is bleeding how serious is it? Thanks ks you all...
  4. P

    Please someone help me I'm desperate

    Thank you so much. Yh he was on whiskers kitten food and he now on felix normal food just smaller portion he has whiskers beef biscuits down too. I've read called the vets and demanded an emergency appointment for tonight so hopefully will get answers I think he has worms as eating a awful lot...
  5. P

    Please someone help me I'm desperate

    Hi,I brought a new kitten home 3 days ago he is 5 weeks old and suddenly has black poo. He is fine in himself playful eating no apparent distress however after looking up that it could more than likely be a bleed I rang the vet she said well it could be a number of things don't worry and...