Recent Content by omi

  1. O

    Leo is vomiting clear, foamy liquid

    Hi Lizita. Maggie is fine today, some good hours of sleep and water with electrolytes have done her well (we hope). I think the flopping was mainly due to dehydration, (and no muscle definition, she is a floppy cat!). Haven't seen any flopping today. She is back to eating and drinking (and...
  2. O

    Leo is vomiting clear, foamy liquid

    So Maggy went to ER last night, and $400 later the vet says she either a) ate something poisonous or b) got bitten by a poisonous bug. He said that she was very low on fluids, so injected some and that she was vomiting so heavily she ruptured capillaries in her stomach to cause the bleeding...
  3. O

    Leo is vomiting clear, foamy liquid

    So after a little bit of pediolyte and she was fine, then starting roaming around looking for water (checking her bowl, bathroom sinks/toilets etc [all of which were dry]). I was about to give her some heavily diluted pediolyte but then she suddenly started acting erratically. [grammer?] She...
  4. O

    Leo is vomiting clear, foamy liquid

    Is Leo OK? My cat just started doing the same things. This morning I woke up and stepped in some liquid brown vomit with a leaf in it. A little bit annoyed, I cleaned it up and didn't think much of it, but since she has been vomiting all day almost every hour and there is no more plants in it...