Recent Content by Olive58

  1. Olive58

    Evie, Lucy Lee and Lee Lee

    Hi! please meet our lovely cats mum Evie (grey and white) leelee (black) and lucylee (black and white) rescue ctas. We got them 7 years ago after my mum passed and dad wanted company. We have always had rescue or feral cats. lucy actually ran away From her cat basket when we went To the vets one...
  2. Olive58

    Lucy Lee little cries at night

    Hi.. new here. Hope right thread! We have three cats; mum and her two daughters. I want views on Lucy Lee. Every night she waits for dad to go to bed about 8.30 then when he does she pounces on the bed cries until she is allowed under the covers and then snuggles in. since lockdown i have moved...