Recent Content by oldernow

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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    LDG, What are pill pockets? I guess I need to start googling. Thanks so much for your time in reading my post and caring!
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    UPDATE for those interested (this is quite a story to tell): - I have the small cat carrier within the larger dog cage, door open always, in my bedroom (with food inside) - using your great idea in my hope to recapture "kitten" so we can get him to the vet. - Kitten still stays mainly in the...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    From Hissy, earlier: To give you encouragement, I scared up my old thread on Cyclone here is the link HISSY, I only now read your post about the day you captured Cyclone - and I went back and read your more recent posts and realized he is...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    Ellsworth, This is a great idea! Let me think about how I might go about this -it gives me great hope! I know there must be a way I haven't thought of. Thank you so much! I'll definitely let you know if I have any success - next week, after I return. (But I may go and buy another cage...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    Hello everyone - you all are such generous souls with all of your caring advice. Status report: The cat I took in that is still hanging out in my bathroom leaps from the carrier where I'm feeding him into another hiding place whenever I come in. I've had him in the (medium-sized) bathroom for...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    DaddyCat, Thank you so much for your encouragement. I got the stool sample results, and "kitten" has hookworm. I'll try to sneak the one-pill treatment into some tuna for this tomorrow. And, I'm taking the day off to spend time with "him"! Will let you all know how things progress. I hope...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    Yesterday, I purchased a larger cat carrier and ordered the Feliway to be overnighted. (It was $45 in the Petsupermarket, but only $21 online through the link I found on your website!). We had put another older cat carrier in his favorite hiding place in the bottom of the small linen closet...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    Thank you so much for your helpful posts. I have been thinking a lot about this in the last 24 hours. At this point I think I should either (a) let this wonderful but traumatized cat go by opening the bathroom window (back into my backyard, and just feeding him there - not the best possible...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    Thank you both for your advice - I couldn't wait to get home and check the postings. Somehow I knew you would say to get him to the vet ASAP - yikes. Hissy, in your comment - Why do I need the feliway spray? What effect does it have? Wow, this towel capture technique sounds plausible - but...
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    Trapped cat, but confined him to room before taking to Vet - help!

    Hello - I'm new here and have backed myself (and a new feral) into quite a corner. I can't believe I've done this, but here's my situation. (Before I start, we have another huge cat, age 5, and a blind dog, age 13.) I had been feeding a beautiful black cat about a year old or less, (skinny but...