Recent Content by Odie

  1. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    Latest update - Odie had a vet visit on June 6th because he was beginning to lick a lot as the prednisone dosage decreased and his stomach was still quite large. He had his last 5mg dose on June 10th. We went back to the vet on June 22nd because his stomach was still really bloated and he...
  2. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    Yesterday Odie started getting half a tablet per day of the prednisone. He has developed quite a potbelly in the past week, which I think is from the steroids. The vet wants to see him again for his belly, but I'm hoping as he comes down in dosage the belly will get better so I can cancel the...
  3. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    Thought I would give an I tried leaving the food out and he devoured it all in a matter of minutes and then acted funny all day, probably had a stomach ache. The itching has not gotten any better. In fact, we had a really scary episode last week. I put some waterless shampoo meant...
  4. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    I had thought about keeping a bowl out, but I'm afraid he's going to get sick. He literally inhales his food. I've watched him and he doesn't even chew! I guess I could try it once and then I would know if he can control himself or not.
  5. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    Thanks for the article..those poor babies in the photos!! I’ve been feeding him Purina one true instincts grain free chicken and their line of grain free wet food in a variety of flavors. I am realizing after a lot of reading about different foods that this food isn’t good compared to so many...
  6. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    Cuteness is Odie’s saving grace at this point! I’ve never had more anxiety than I have had in the past few weeks trying to figure out how to help him. I think this weekend I’ll start transitioning in a new food and see what happens. I’ve been keeping a log of his behavior, weight, water intake...
  7. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    My vet said it could be allergies, but didn't give a definitive answer. They told me they could do a skin scrape to examine the skin, but it doesn't sound like that would confirm any potential allergens. For the first few weeks Odie didn't groom obsessively. I'm thinking that is likely...
  8. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    I have no idea what chlorpheniramine is, but I will research it :) The vet had recommended the Claritin as an antihistamine to combat allergic reactions, but it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot. Did Dante get an allergy test to find the poultry allergy or did you try different foods until...
  9. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    I haven't tried any anti-anxiety products yet, but I will look into it. It seems odd to me that he would be acting fine and then be anxious all of a sudden. I've been trying to think of anything that has changed that could cause stress, but nothing stands out to me.
  10. O

    Excessive Grooming & Insatiable Appetite - Help!

    Hi Everyone, On 4/14/18, I adopted my first cat, Odie. In the past two weeks he has been exhibiting excessive grooming behavior and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. When I got him, he had very thin fur along his shoulder area, but that has grown in substantially. However, he has now...