Recent Content by nytbs

  1. N

    New Natural Balance Recall (not Menu related)

    I have always fed canned NB and just a few days ago, I finished a "carton" of the Venison and Green Pea. As I went through the cans, my cat's poop became more and more sloppy and stinky. I have now convinced myself there was a problem with that batch. I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it...
  2. N

    ear mites dying = trembling hind legs?

    Wow! Thanks to everyone for your advice! He is an indoor kitty but those ear mites are tenacious! I have a feeling he was an outdoor/loose/stay cat for all of his two years, because the mites were bad. I'm frustrated with the vet. They look at me like I'm crazy and she even suggested...
  3. N

    ear mites dying = trembling hind legs?

    Can I bother you with more questions? About the ear mites - what are the chances they'll be gone now? What other product can I ask my vet about, since the Revolution doesn't appear to be agreeing with him? Thanks again!
  4. N

    ear mites dying = trembling hind legs?

    UGH! I think you guys are right. I was thinking the time difference meant it wasn't the Revolution - but maybe he was more sensitive to the second dose. In case anyone's interested, I found these after your responses. A short scroll down...
  5. N

    ear mites dying = trembling hind legs?

    I recently adopted my first kitty. He was a stray but fixed male, appox. 2 years old. Last month, when I got him, I took him to the vet and they found ear mites. He got a dose of Revolution and all seemed fine. A couple weeks later his right hind leg was trembling, he had trouble putting...