Recent Content by nuclear

  1. N


    To answer your question, Jake is doing fine, and loves to be around people. I just did a bit of research on my own: Jake only has one of the symptoms, sneezing, and was adopted from a foster home of Friends of Abandoned Pets, along with...
  2. N


    I was going to schedule an appointment for nuetering so he would have it done in about 3-4 weeks, but how old are they supposed to be before they should have it done, and if he does have an upped respiratory infection, would it too late to ask the vet about in about a month?
  3. N


    I recently adopted a 7 week old male kitten, and I noticed that he sneezes over 10 times a day. I was wondering if this is a problem, and if so, what could be done to stop it. Thanks -Nuke