Recent Content by noraneko

  1. N

    Some Pictures

    Thank you... Actually the dog is a he... Its a mix dog probably lab and pitbull.
  2. N

    Some Pictures

    My dog Shadow
  3. N

    Some Pictures

    My dad was testing the new digi cam and here is what came out. I think this is a pretty bad picture of Cartor. lol
  4. N

    My 12 year old Keeshond passed away

    Thank you so much. Hopefully my other dog Shadow will be ok when I leave back for school. He hates being alone.
  5. N

    Foster Kittens put to Sleep

    *smiles* Thank you. Right know I amf ine. It has been a few months but still I feel sad. I do fin myself hoping they are in a better place and I know they are.
  6. N

    My 12 year old Keeshond passed away

    I decided to post up two threads because they are diffrent from each other. I know this is a cat site but I have to add this up. My keeshond was pretty much are first dog and first love in the family. Beyond that we had cats but Kisses was special and diffrent. Keeshonds are known to love their...
  7. N

    Foster Kittens put to Sleep

    My mom decided to put herself on the list to take care of kittens who are to young to be adopted. We got a set of four kittens who we were meant to take care of. We went to pick up food for them and my mom already set up a room space we which have upstairs with carpet and toys and we made sure...
  8. N

    Meaning behind your username

    I don't know if this been done before though I looked but still you never know. If so I am sorry... But anyway what is the meaning behind your username? Mine is Japanese for Alley Cat... Neko meaning Cat. If you are an anime fan neko is used to a lot on anime websites and also in kind of a...
  9. N


    Thank you!
  10. N


    Hello Cat/ Kitten fans I myself am an owner of four cats... Well two kittens and two large cats all boys. I also have one dog and 5 hamsters as well. Awww but anyway my family been raising cats for years and so happens we are lucky enough to on four. We treat them well and they live clean happy...