Recent Content by njjanyce

  1. N

    New Feral Cat Trying To Take Over?

    We have two "Semi" feral cats; they were TNRed by us about 5 years ago. Litter mates, one is completely domesticated and comes inside. The female tortoise shell is much shyer and won't come in the house. After 3 years, she let me pet her. This spring, a new feral showed up, a smallish...
  2. N

    Cat Brother Is Bullying His Sister

    Yes, I try to do this. He's indoors most of the day, and she does come by for food during that time. Last night I made the mistake of letting him out when she was at the door, and he attacked her before I had a chance to get him back in. Haven't seen her since. About 3 months ago, I changed...
  3. N

    Cat Brother Is Bullying His Sister

    About 3 years ago, we trapped and neutered two half-grown kittens who had been brought by our house by their feral mother. The male black cat quickly--within 3 months--became a tame cat who is now half-indoor/half outdoor, and very affectionate. His sister, a tortoise shell, is very skittish...
  4. N

    My Cat Has Moved Somewhere Else

    Please excuse this long message, but I wanted to give the full background. I have an indoor/outdoor male cat, about 3 years old, who we trapped and neutered when he was a half-grown kitten. His feral mother brought him and his sister to our house, and they adopted us. Over time, this...