Recent Content by newcat

  1. N

    All cats with 3 or more colors are females!

    YUP, when people make that statement, they are reffering to the **calicos**.......Because there are ragdoll males amongst the 3 colored cats, and tabby/whites, ect. But it DOES run as a general rule that there are no male calicos. And I think the only few out there are tortie type, not big...
  2. N

    My PIXIE girl.......

    if this works.... ....... . .. ............... Well, sorry, I have no CLUE how to do the resize stuff. I guess ALL my pics will come out the same way if I post??..................Darn !! I thought I FINALLY had it!...sigh...
  3. N

    bringing a chihuahua home to 2 cats...

    A chihuahua, even in a dogfight, will usually not do any injury to most things. I have brought in various rescue chihuahuas, and have never had ONE problem. .Well, exept maybe my alpha cat, ( who LOVES small dogs) will sometimes harass them fos a day, and if they try to chase her, she will...
  4. N

    breeding a "chug" from an amish puppy mill

    I would get the name of the rescue, and let them know ASAP!! IMAGINE ANYONE being dumb enough to want to breed puppy mill dogs !! She will probably try to keep a little girl pup and start her own MUTT MILL !! You are doing the right thing! Get info and let the **rescue** know..
  5. N

    Hmmm, I'm at a loss

    There used to be SO MANY around here, that they would gather them up and give them away at gas stations......That was a long time ago. There are hardly any more around. People and disease killed them off in my area. I live So. Cal, Hi desert...SO nice to see a tiny baby tortise again!
  6. N

    WONDERFUL personalitles !!

    Hmmm, the girls are just about 6 mos, I guess I will try to bring the nip out again in a couple of months.... THAT is an odd detail to know. thanks !!
  7. N

    WONDERFUL personalitles !!

    I am SO glad i got these 2 older kirtens. Panda, has been a loving, playful little igrl all along... Oh, she lOVES to carry markers, and crayons all over the house, but hates catnip. If I wnt her to ignore somthing, all I have to do is put it in the catnip I got....Pixie, has come out of her...
  8. N

    What's for dinner tonight???

    It is pizza and salad for us tonight, and probably chili and corn muffins tomorrow........
  9. N

    Found names.............

    So I think I am going to call the Rag Panda, and the red, who is NOT manx, Pixie. She is not built like a manx, now that I get to see her, I guess the racoon got her tail??....Well, one of the kittens might get rehomed, I think I just got a 90 day notice bc the house is sold....DARN, I REALLY...
  10. N

    Cat waking baby at night! Help!

    So if Max is good and sleeps all night, maybe he dosn't need the food at night, and you could just add a night time litter box for him in the area ??........ I would only lock up the cat that needs it. He will get used to the new arraingements shortly, you KNOW how smart they are. And poor baby...
  11. N

    What i found out about scardey cat.....

    So my daughter comes out of the room holding the red kitten, and says "look who I found"!! So I grab my camera, and go into the room and hold her. What I found out is that she LOVES head rubs and petting. Will rub against me and even lay in my arms comfortably rolling almost onto her back. She...
  12. N

    Guys........I havent wanted to tell you this...

    So sorry to hear your babies have dissappeared. I agree that there is probably a new dog, person trapping them in thier yard, or maybe coyotes?? I am not sure what you have around there. Have u checked the shelters, in case someone is trapping them and sending them in?? All my cats are in/out...
  13. N

    Things are bad

    SI don't know you bc I am new, but I am REALLY sorry that you are not doing well, AND being seperated from your babies! Is there any way someone could bring Beau for a visit?? I know alot of thoes care places will allow a smaller pet in for visits. I have taken MY chihuahuas into nursing...
  14. N

    I hit my dog Buddy with the car!

    You poor thing! I am VERY glad your little Buddy is OK. ..You know, your pets will give you the BEST vibes you can get. But I'll send you some *good luck* ones anyway!
  15. N

    Help... My room has become a cat litter!

    Maybe it you put the box under the bed?? Possibly he is used to *going* in a more enclosed area?? I have found that with puppies, If they insist on using a certain area, it.s just easier to put the papers there, and slowley move them to where you want..Good luck, I really hope you can figure...