Recent Content by narelle

  1. narelle

    Eye allergy to cat

    I would definitely look into seeing an allergist! I am extremely allergic to cats, but they've been part of my life since I was born so I can't stand the thought of life without at least one cat. I've been on lots of medications for it, and they can certainly help a ton, but the biggest help for...
  2. narelle

    Wild kitty finally got a real vet exam - food allergy concerns and diabetes prevention

    About 5 years into owning my previously feral (now indoor only) cat, Astrid, and after a recent move to a new area, I finally got her to a vet that was willing to give her a real exam. Because she was feral, she hasn't tolerated much at previous vet visits and I've had vets actively discourage...
  3. narelle

    Running Out Of Natural Litter Options - Help!

    Hello all! I am looking for litter reccomendations, but I am extremely limited in the litters I can use. My fiance and I have very severe allergies. We had been happily using OkoCat softstep litter for a few years now, but with recent boxes we are having contact reactions to the litter dust. So...
  4. narelle

    Foraging/feeder Toys?

    Hi all, its been awhile since I've posted here but I figured that if anyone would be able to help me, it would be this community of cat lovers! I would really like to find a good option for a foraging feeder toy for my cat to hide dry food and treats in to get her more active and engaged when...
  5. narelle

    A Mat For Wood Litter?

    How does the grain size compare? I use the soft step as opposed to the regular clumping version because the regular one's grain size is too big. It's hard to tell from pictures, but what I can see from pictures of the longhair version looks even bigger than the regular one. (I also just ordered...
  6. narelle

    Surprises On Our Long Road To Socialization

    UPDATE Since I've popped back in on the forum, I figured I'd give another little update here. I moved from FL to PA in August, but lots of roadblocks came up that delayed getting Astrid up here with me. My family ended up having to catch her up in mid October and fly her up for me. It was a big...
  7. narelle

    A Mat For Wood Litter?

    My cat Astrid is some kind of wizard at tracking litter. She gets it everywhere. She did it when she had clay litter and has continued to do it with wood litter. (We use Okocat Soft Step.) Litter mats I've used in the past, the rubbery plastic ones with the curly thread texture, haven't done...
  8. narelle

    Flying with a Semi-Feral

    I did ask about the safe room, they do have one. But the only way I'm going to be able to sedate her is if this vet agrees to it. I don't know what to do if I he won't sedate her, and by the time the vet is back and can give me any input, I'll be on the road, so she will have to fly. Driving...
  9. narelle

    Flying with a Semi-Feral

    @Sarthur2 Oh, definitely, so way would I let them put her in cargo. Where she goes I go. She will not be allowed out of my sight while we're traveling. I'm probably being overly cautious and overprotective, but I'd feel better knowing she's with me where I can keep her safe. @shadowsrescue...
  10. narelle

    What Is The Weirdest Thing Your Cat Ever Did?

    My Astrid is a bit of an odd cat. She doesn't do as many of her odd behaviors any more, but early on after I took her home, I would always walk out from her safe room with a crazy story of the evidence of weird antics I found. My favorite is the way she used to sort her toys. For a long time...
  11. narelle

    Flying with a Semi-Feral

    @Sarthur2 My car is not exactly a practical car - it's a 1988 Porsche 944. It's not the most reliable for a 16 hour drive (fine for a daily driver in a small town, fine for shorter long distance drives, but she could just quit on me on an interstate hours and hours away from home and family...
  12. narelle

    Flying with a Semi-Feral

    @Sarthur2 Nothing has been resolved, I have to drive away on Saturday and everything is falling apart. -- For driving, we are going to have extremely limited space to comfortably transport an animal. My dad and I will be riding in the uhaul truck, towing my car behind. There will be no AC in...
  13. narelle

    Flying with a Semi-Feral

    Astrid and I are moving out of state, 16 hours away ( we ended up moving to PA). I had discussed this with my vet, and he came up with the plan that I fly her sedated - he gave me oral sedatives with instructions to start with a very low dose and see how she does, then gradually increase the...
  14. narelle

    When You Fall For A Cat That's A Bad Match?

    Thank you all for the responses and suggestions, I really appreciate it! I ended up at the shelter at nap time, so most of the cats were asleep and not terribly interested in socializing with anyone. There were maybe 5 or 6 cats at a time that were up and about with us? She woke up when I read...
  15. narelle

    When You Fall For A Cat That's A Bad Match?

    Today I visited my local shelter that I very much love, to check in and play with my kitty friends there. This visit, though, I fell in love with a cat. You know how sometimes an animal comes into your life that you just click with? It was instant. There was a new cat that wasn't there last...