Recent Content by (n)mabriga sibe

  1. N

    My furbabies

    Hi They are so cute beautiful
  2. N

    Siberians? this is my Import Cesar siberians he has the CH in Norway and are 1 CACIB from the INT. this my adder male from sweden and this is Cesar sister...
  3. N

    Mated But Still Calling

    Yes you cat can be breed of an adder male 10 days after. Some cats das not take and will come in heat aging after 14 days to 3 wicks but be also obs you cat can get to what we cal a fake heat she is going to have kittens but she have like she is in heat they say this can happen from 3 wick to 4...
  4. N

    Allergic --- HELP!

    Tray to fain a breeder as has Siberian and tray to visit them to se if you react. It is writhen one many web page in Russia about this and the Siberians. You scud reed about it. Very interesting. Many people have Siberians and do not react to them in any way.
  5. N

    Please tell me about Siberians :)

    You have a nice web site and nice cats. I special like the cat you have from the breeder in Russia she have very kind good cats. Yes I agree you have to test you self before you go and bay any Siberians. And maybe you scud ask for if any of the cats are tested for neva ore fel d 1 as some lines...
  6. N

    Siberian mixes?

    I know in Uk they test one DNA one Siberians cats for this and I know it is Siberians has not have it at all. I think it wood be possible to get hold of a lab report one the Siberians where this will tell the many sib have not fel-d1, Many breeders as are very interest in this what Siberians...
  7. N

    Hi All

    Thank you I will send you a private mail if I wondering how to do things
  8. N

    felines friendly to asthmatics

    Hi Yes I agree you have to test you to see if you can have one. Some people can not live to getter with a Siberian as they get sick.
  9. N

    Breeding Wows

    I agree it is noting you can do to help them. Just putt them in to a room where they are alone and hope for the best. But remember not all female are skimming not all breeding we notes we think it did not go very well the male hade not Dan any thing and then after some wicks we look ? As she is...
  10. N

    felines friendly to asthmatics

    Hi. Do you have poodles? I have to. Well if you go one to this web page And read about allergy’s and it will tell you Siberians are missing something cal fel d 1 as we react to in cats. One the link page it is link’s to breeder in the world. Sow...
  11. N

    I'm Alergic to Cats!

    I think if you react to the cat I do not think to get her wet helps at all. Maybe if you bath her regally every 14 days.
  12. N

    Please tell me about Siberians :)

    How is it that the Siberian is hypo-allergenic? Scientists have named the protein in the feline saliva, FEL D-1. When the cat cleans itself, the protein then dries on the fur leaving dander. The dander particles are small and air filters cannot remove them from the air. The Siberian is void of...
  13. N

    Question about allergies and cats

    Yes that is the best ting to do
  14. N

    Why hasn't my cat came into heat?

    This is what my siberian cat has It is very difficult to se she is in heat at all But I never have my females and my males to getter.
  15. N

    Siberian mixes?

    No we do not mix Siberians with adder breeds.