Recent Content by myfurrbabies

  1. myfurrbabies


    I thank you for your response.  Right now, both kitties are doing better, lying right on either side of me on the couch.  Right now their bellies are full of their favorite food and I have just brushed and petted them both until they fell asleep.  I love these little ones, I take care of them as...
  2. myfurrbabies


    Thank you! I will look for it!
  3. myfurrbabies


    Just a little update, my babies are doing better.  I had to get different antibiotics for my cat with the swollen paw.  Thank you everyone for all of your support!  An answer to a previous question, both of my cats are neutered.  I did separate them, and I just didn't want to keep them locked up...
  4. myfurrbabies


    I thank you very much, as I am just about to go and see about my babies again. I feel like I am aggravating them by being around so much, but I can't help it. I do not have a video camera to take video, but I would be willing to make any testimony or whatever I could do to help. Believe me, if I...
  5. myfurrbabies


    Thank you Minka.. For what it is worth, I did introduce them slowly, but it was so weird... It was like the more they got to know each other, the more they "played".  Their playing got carried away, and I felt guilty about keeping them shut off in different rooms away from everyone, especially...
  6. myfurrbabies


    I would also like to add,  I don't care if they have any litter box problems, I will gladly clean up after them. I just hope they heal up well and are not in pain soon. I tried different kinds of litter, dust free, corn based, etc, and it seemed to make their paws more uncomfortable, so I used...
  7. myfurrbabies


    Thank you EB24, for your post. I wish I hadn't done it. I only did it to try and protect my oldest cat, as I was told it would not be fair to declaw one cat, and not the other,to preserve his eye. I have put shredded newspaper in their litter box, that I change frequently to keep it clean. They...
  8. myfurrbabies


    My vet has been good to my animals previously, I just would not have chosen this for my little ones. It is heartbreaking. I will NEVER again take someone's advice, what is done is unfortunately, done. Never again will something like this happen to them.
  9. myfurrbabies


    Please, I need help. First, let me start by telling my situation.  I have two cats, my oldest is 14 months, and my second is 11 months. Both of my cats are males. I am married with two children, plus my furry babies. I found out two years ago that I couldn't have anymore kids, and I was deeply...