Recent Content by mrbradstewart

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  4. M

    Meeka the Kitty

    Just Mister
  5. M

    The truth about wet vs. dry

    I feed my kitty dry food everyday, she eats it moderately throughout the day. I thought for more variety I should mix in some wet food. She's not very picky at all, but when I mix wet and dry, she goes crazy and eats everything. I tried giving her wet food for a week with no dry because of...
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    New Game for the day!

    Here's what you do: Post something you like doing with your cat. Then the next person tops that! If you cannot top it, then start a new thing! (But state you can't top the last one) Let see some creativity!!! Example: 1st person: Rubbing my kitty's belly 2nd person: Rubbing my kitty belly...
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    Slapping the Camera out of my hand.

    Sometimes when I get too close, she'll slap the camera out of my hand. Whats the best ways to get your kitty to pose?
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    Fun without toys...

    My phone was found one morning in the water bowl, i know the feeling...
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    Meeka the Kitty

    This is the little rascal getting in all the trouble in the house. She thinks she owns the place. She isnt allowed on the subwoofer, but she looked so peaceful, and content.
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    new here too

    i dont know how to load pictures of my kitty. please advise via here or messages. thanks everyone!
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    Blow in their face, it'll usually cause them to simmer down a bit. Babies kitties do this to their mothers, and that is usually the response.
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    Car Wash Kitty

    That would be funny! (kidding, of course)
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    Playful Kitty

    I personally loved it when I didn't respond to her cries; she knew as soon as the blinds were played with i'd come storming in. Silly Kitty
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    Your Craziest Cat Story!

    When I first got Meeka, I must say I didnt really kitty-proof the house. I had the cable guy coming and I removed one of the plates for the cable. Later, I searched and searched for her. Long story short, she ended up going into the hole in the wall and climbing to the top. I had to rip out the...
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    Lunch Ideas

    This might seem dated: Lunchables. They are getting quite fulfilling and nutrious these days. I always pack them for my wifes kids, and they love them.