Recent Content by mpsmom

  1. mpsmom

    How many times do cats usually go poop a day?

    tried probiotics for a month, no change.
  2. mpsmom

    How many times do cats usually go poop a day?

    will look at the ibdkitty page. thanks. the vet has reached her end of thought and since nothing she tried has made it better, she's labeled it ibd.
  3. mpsmom

    How many times do cats usually go poop a day?

    should add, also checked for giardia and had a blood panel done.
  4. mpsmom

    How many times do cats usually go poop a day?

    And what did they finally do to fix it? I have a senior cat 19 in a couple of months, who's had the squirts for over a year. We've tried deworming, 3 different antibiotics and out of desperation, even tried a round of digigel on my own. Nothing has changed.
  5. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    Don't recall specifically, but it was a marker on his bloodwork that was either high or low. He finished out a month of probiotics and a dewormer that ended over a week ago (for some reason, I still had half a bottle left after 5 days, so gave him another 2-3 days). Still got soft serve poop...
  6. mpsmom

    scorpion venom and coat

    Because I've seen scorpions in the house and not a lot of spiderwebs and several baby scorpions which are worse. Any idea why his tail feathers would thin all of a sudden, then fill back out?
  7. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    Update: After $400 of testing, blood and a repeat stool, she's pretty sure he doesn't have giardia, but the blood work did indicate possible pancreatitis. Chicken and egg scenario, not sure whether the pancreatitis caused the ibd or the ibd caused the pancreantitis. For now, he's on cosequin...
  8. mpsmom

    scorpion venom and coat

    Has anyone ever heard of scorpion venom changing a cat's coat? I got a new cat in April, 1 yr old, long hair, young, so wanting to play. Not too long after I got him, I thought I noticed that his nose looked wider. Then, it started bulging. I figured it was a scorpion sting and I'd just...
  9. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    Ok, so it sounds like there are possibly 2 things going on... the runny nose and the soft poop. He may have lost a little, but he's always been a long, lanky boy. As far as the runny nose, if they listened to his lungs at the last visit, would they have heard something that indicated a URI or...
  10. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    It appears it was tested just for giardia and i guess, scoped for ova and parasites. He was not dewormed, wouldn't something show up in his poop if he did have worms? I buy a 13-16lb bag of food and often 2 at the same time, so it's not like he's getting a different food every week or even...
  11. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    He does go outside and could possibly have contact with other cats, if the other cats approached him (he's not one to go after other cats). He also has 3 other cats in his own house that do not have any of the symptoms after all this time, so I'm guessing it's not something contagious. He eats...
  12. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    I forgot to mention, he also has the sniffles, so I'm not sure about IBS.
  13. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    No, what would be the protocol for that (IBS)?
  14. mpsmom

    long term soft stool

    I have a senior cat (18yo) that has had soft, stinky poop for several months now. His bloodwork was normal, including thyroid, except lymphocytes were a little low (667 where not supposed to be lower than 850). Fecal O&P and Giardia nothing seen and negative (respectively). Urinalysis normal...