Recent Content by mousehunter

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  4. M

    Bayley and the drop of milk

    That's just too funny!
  5. M

    NO! I will not take my pill!

    Cats and pills...they just go together don't they? He's a good looking boy. I like the ginger in him.
  6. M

    My Two...

    That first pic was from about a month ago. Junior has had his manhood stripped from him since then...poor little feller.He's a button pusher all right! Feisty and brave...especially when Jigs aint lookin'. She loves him though...or at least puts up with him.
  7. M

    My Two...

    It starts to dawn on him after she takes him down a few times.Then he goes into the 'hit and run' mode. Oh man, they make me laugh!
  8. M

    My Two...

    This is my two.Juniors the little one that's pushing Jiggys buttons. She's about to open up a can of woopass! LOL
  9. M

    Cool article about a coyote!

    Saw that on the news. We have a lot of them around here.When my dog was alive, he got his kicks by putting the run on them while we would hike in the hills. They were constantly taunting him. We have to watch for the cats now that they don't have their bodyguard anymore. Too many little family...
  10. M

    Hi all!

    Thanks you guys.
  11. M

    Hi all!

    Hey all, another new guy here. We have 2 furballs: Jiggy (little dumplin' approx 9 yrs) and Junior (little turd approx 5 1/2 months) If I can figure out where the avatar option is I'll get them up.