Recent Content by mountaindew

  1. mountaindew

    RIP Dusty 4-4-09

    I am having a very hard week. first the date should have been 5/4 I wasn't thinking clearly when I posted. but I have really been missing my snuggly girl this week. we had her cremated and they called late mon afternoon to tell me the ashes were back. I couldn't even bring myself to go...
  2. mountaindew

    Only 4 nipples "working"?

    I was told when my cat had one kitten that the kittens will choose which nipple they like and use that one and that one only. I know my ONE kitten only nursed off the top nipple from day one until he was about 4 1/2 mo old never touched another one even when the bottom 2 were so swollen with...
  3. mountaindew

    RIP Dusty 4-4-09

    My 13 or 14 yr old cat (horrible I cant' remember when I got her) passed away this morning. I knew last night she wouldn't make it all night but she waited until my husband got up and gave her some loves. she was purring when he left for work and an hour later when I got up she was gone. She...
  4. mountaindew

    a new question and baby pics

    little man started eating his mammas food right around 3 weeks. it was hard kitten food! I heard him crunching away one night I was shocked! he wanted NOTHING to do with the soft food or anything went right to the hard food. even when I softened it with KMR he wouldn't touch it. I would just...
  5. mountaindew

    Just for fun :)

    that is too funny and just so adorable!!!!!!!!! your baby is just too cute!
  6. mountaindew

    Prayers needed please!! C-section

    My vet told me where angel was spayed she may not get milk. are you SURE she doesn't have any? don't forget kittens are better at getting it out than anything else is.... Angel didn't look like she had much the first couple days but then around her nipples got bigger and bigger at least in the...
  7. mountaindew

    Help for TNR places please

    thanks I will pass the info on to her. Right now she has the one mama and her babies inside as the babies were sick. they are now on meds but a couple still aren't doing well.
  8. mountaindew

    First pictures of Ginger's babies!

    sometimes it takes a day or two for them to start gaining. my little man didn't gain or barely gained for 2 days then gained FAST after that and he is now not so little. LOL
  9. mountaindew

    Prayers needed please!! C-section

    my mama cat had a c-section and was spayed last year. she had one baby. she was REALLY out of it when I picked her up and they told me that the kitten seemed confussed on nursing and she didn't know what to do so I may have to do it and they didn't know if her milk would come in. I tried and...
  10. mountaindew

    Help for TNR places please

    I have a friend that lives in North Carolina. she has a bunch of unfixed cats living around her house that she feeds etc. one just had babies and they are now indoors and mom is fixed as she was already preg. and babies are only a few weeks old I guess (this is what she told me???)..... but...
  11. mountaindew

    We have babies!

    OMG they are TOO CUTE!!!!!!!! I Just LOVE LOVE LOVE that calico!
  12. mountaindew

    Keller and babies

    the only ones I can go by is little mans dad that was white with a grey spot on his head like Amys kitten and then little man is 10 mo old and has his cream spot still.........
  13. mountaindew

    Keller and babies

    Amy--- they are sooooooo cute! and her scar looks soooooooo good compared to how Angels looked! OMG hers was horrible and SOOOOO big! I just LOVE that little one with the grey spot on his head. I was so hoping little man would get that spot but instead he got a cream one. LOL his daddy had...
  14. mountaindew

    little man is getting nuetered today....

    thanks. he finally perked up a bit around 10pm but still wouldn't eat or drink. finally took up some wet food to try that and he ate some. but poor baby looks soooooo sore now! he will be laying there then you can see he is very uncomfortable and he shifts. think he is wondering why it...
  15. mountaindew

    little man is getting nuetered today....

    He is home and so groggy. I feel so bad for him. he just looks so dazed and confussed but is sleeping it off in my room (just hope he doesn't pee my bed! LOL). they said he will be like that most of the night and should be ok tomorrow and back to himself in a few days.