Recent Content by monkeymom

  1. monkeymom

    Raw feeding and acne?

    @Allytt I've also noticed chin acne on my tuxedo male. He's had very mild issues with it in the past, but it flared up quite a bit in the last week or so. I've been wiping the area down daily with hydrogen peroxide which seems to help quite a bit. We do feed them from ceramic bowls, which...
  2. monkeymom

    Very frustrated with raw food! Need inspiration

    @Konuku In regards to the vomiting, I've struggled with this in the past with my cats as well. I found out that my boy cannot tolerate high amounts of fat in his diet, so I have to be careful how much egg yolk I add and balance higher fat meats with lower ones. My girl cannot tolerate rabbit...
  3. monkeymom

    Is a 15lb cat too heavy?

    My DSH was 13.8lbs at his last wellness check (2yrs old). He's much bigger than his petite sister, who weighed in at 8.8lbs. The vet said he looked great overall, but was maybe a bit too heavy and would like to see him closer to 13lbs. They both eat timed meals of homemade raw and are great at...
  4. monkeymom

    Okay, cat litter enthusiasts!!

    My cats currently use Dr. Elsey precious cat. How easy was it to transition your cat to pine pellets?
  5. monkeymom

    any suggestions for food toppers or appetite simulators for cat?

    One of mine loves natural hairball gel (NaturVet, I think) with the catnip flavor. I put a tiny amount (1/4tsp) on his food to encourage eating if need be. They both respond well to freeze dried turkey or chicken; I like the Uncle Larry or Whole Life products. When they were younger they loved...
  6. monkeymom

    Necessary to have indoor cat's stool checked annually?

    We actually brought a stool sample in last year for the cats' annual wellness check, and the vet tech simply tossed it. So, I guess my vet doesn't bother checking stool samples for indoor only cats unless they escape outside, have exposure to other cats, or catch a rodent. They asked how the...
  7. monkeymom

    Can i use any dishwashing liquid soap or do i have to use only Dawn for cat's bowls and litter box?

    Huh, I never thought about this. I usually use a bit of all purpose cleaner (BioKleen or Mrs Meyers) with a dollop of bleach in hot water to clean litter boxes, followed by a good rinse. For the dishes, I usually do a quick pre-wash with soapy water (Seventh Generation/Mrs. Meyers/Dishmate) and...
  8. monkeymom

    Bone Question, Dr. Pierson's ground recipe

    How very creative! Thanks for posting your technique! It's a nice way to work around the whole grinder issue. My cats are also not crazy about the chicken based recipe, and the flavor and smell enhancement with the broth may help.
  9. monkeymom

    Just want to make sure I'm doing this right

    @Jeff1 Just wanted to throw in that I've been feeding my cats a raw diet for over a year now, and they have never gotten worms. Why in the world would canned give them worms? You say to make sure the meat is cooked, but canned is cooked! I second visiting Great info for getting...
  10. monkeymom


    I'd have to agree with Playerdark. There are many vets out there who take a more holistic and natural approach while still providing adequate medical care for your pet. Would you be willing to try one of those? While you wait and see which method works your cat may become sicker....
  11. monkeymom

    Transition Questions: Rabbit/Vomit, Poop and next steps.

    @psunday Did you ever try reintroducing rabbit to your cat? I'm having the same issue with my girl. She's fine on any other protein: chicken, turkey, duck, but the minute I give her rabbit she will vomit 20-60 minutes after eating. I've tried Hare Today and WholeFood4Pets rabbit and same...
  12. monkeymom

    Hare Today - Diluting Mixes High in Bone

    @HarryLime I know what you mean. Before I started using the calculator, I was definitely not adding enough boneless meat to my grinds. It didn't help that the product I was getting didn't have a nutrient analysis, so I was flying blind. I estimate my cats were getting around 15% bone versus the...
  13. monkeymom

    How Much Does the Raw Diet Cost You?

    @beesto Yikes! $145??? Mine is $30/year if you don't volunteer and $15/year if you do. Volunteer jobs range from helping unload deliveries to making labels. I think it really depends on what co-op you use for what products they will offer. The one I go through offers many different items...
  14. monkeymom

    Hare -Today & Shipping

    Just wanted to say thank you for posting this! I was on the fence regarding 3 or 4 day shipping and decided to take the chance and do 4 day to Seattle. I ordered 52lbs of product so it should still be frozen upon arrival.
  15. monkeymom

    Feeding a diet of wet food and organs??

    My kitties have never tried to steal food off our plates, haha. They may sniff and Sophie attempts to stick her nose in it mostly because she's curious and knows she's not allowed to. The issue I have is Tux being a raw chicken thief whenever I prep chicken for human meals.