Recent Content by momofklaus

  1. momofklaus

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Hi Everyone! So last night wasn't a good night.  I took Klaus in to the vet because he still hasn't been eating and drinking and became very weak.  They pumped him with some fluids, gave him an injectable Cerenia, and ran a small blood panel along with a liver panel.  Good news is his blood...
  2. momofklaus

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    After researching and thinking, I am fairly convinced it is the amoxicillin causing his loss of appetite (this is a side effect, too).  I really can't think of anything else that could be causing it.  It is the only medication he is currently taking.  I called the vet and waiting for a call...
  3. momofklaus

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Syringe feeding is a struggle.  I can usually only get about 30-35CC down in one sitting.  We wrap him up in a kitty burrito and get as much food in him as we can without him totally freaking out.  I brush him afterwards which helps calm him down.  He LOVES being brushed. Currently, he is...
  4. momofklaus

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    @frankie-boy  We just syringe fed him about 35 CC of wet food.  I mixed in some water and pedialyte to help with hydration.  I also called the vet this morning and he said to watch him today and call him tonight with an update.  With food in his stomach, he seems to have more energy.  He just...
  5. momofklaus

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

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  6. momofklaus

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Hi Everyone! First i just want to thank all of you for sharing your stories.  They have brought me knowledge and some peace with what's currently going on with my cat Klaus. The day after Thanksgiving, we came home to a blocked cat.  We took Klaus in to the 24 hour vet hospital where they...