Recent Content by mn086

  1. M

    Agressive cat in neighbourhood

    Sorry I should have been clearer - all the local cats belonging to someone are spayed/neutered. There are unfortunately some cats in the area that are not as they are not owned by anyone
  2. M

    Agressive cat in neighbourhood

    We live in a nice area for cats and our two cats go outdoors whenever they please and they love it, it is a safe area generally, no cars around, lots of grass and trees etc., no wild animals. A few months ago a new cat turned up in the area, beautiful grey thing, looks very well cared for...
  3. M

    Do cats respect sick or old or injured cats?

    One of our cats was having a very off day, we decided to wait until the next day and if she was still the same, we would bring her to the vet. Our other cat gets on with her most of the time (!) but they are not overly affectionate with each other generally. However when the first cat was...
  4. M

    No Kneading?

    I have two cats, both 2 years old, both rescued as kittens. One of them (Tiger) is very happy go lucky, one of them (Maggie)is "deeper"! Maggie didn't knead for months after we got her and then one day she just started to have a slight knead on her fur blanket and now it is a daily occurence...
  5. M

    black light users?

    Hi folks I had terrible trouble trying to source hydrogen peroxide here, not even available in a pharmacy. Anyway in the end of it all, my vinegar soaking followed by biological washing powder being scrubbed in left me with stairs that smelled fab but the air all around seemed to be tainted...
  6. M

    black light users?

    Thanks so much for that information, I will try that, it sounds promising! Here's hoping and I will let you know, I just can't live with this smell any longer!
  7. M

    black light users?

    Hi folks The saga continues...on and off! I have now soaked the entire stairs with vinegar and water solution using a sprayer, left that for a while, then mopped it as best I could then I used warm water and biological washing powder and scrubbed each step and riser by hand, it smelled wonderful...
  8. M

    Is she going to spray?

    One of my cats does this (a recent thing). I have two female cats in or around 11 months old. The quivering has not been accompanied by spraying though thankfully. However they have a "friend" across the road who is about 18 months old, has been spayed and she sprays in our garden quite a...
  9. M

    black light users?

    Thanks for the advice folks, I have a good one that would normally be used in a disco type environment! We turned all the lights out and put it a couple of inches away from each step on the stairs as that is where the smell is but found nothing. I find vinegar and water solution great for...
  10. M

    black light users?

    I have used a black light to try and find exact spot of pee because cleaning doesn't seem to have removed it all, I didn't see any with the black light, is there a specific type of black light you use?
  11. M

    why does my cat EAT the blankets?

    My cats have a fake fur blanket that they sleep on and they love to eat bits of it, we tell them not to and they stop but then go back to it, weird
  12. M

    Cat talking to herself?

    One of my cats talks a lot! I can now tell what "I need to pee" sounds like, also "feed me", "i can see the dry food but where is the meat" and if she is passing by me while in the garden, I'll say "hi Maggie" and she'll do a very short mew which I think means "hi you too". If she is really...
  13. M

    Cats eating grass

    Thank you very much for the link, it's best to know about these things before you need to I think and as the article says it's kinda up to you at a time like that, you just don't have time to get vets etc involved there and then. She frightened the life out of me I have to say. She has been...
  14. M

    Cats eating grass

    Thanks for your reply. What would you have done? She was unable to breathe, it wasn't like she just wanted to be sick
  15. M

    Cats eating grass

    Hi Both of my kitties (7 and a half months old) eat grass in the garden, nothing unusual about that. However, they have both nearly choked on me (once each) becuase of not chewing it! Maggie this morning had a choking fit, I didn't know exactly what to do so I gave her a firm wallop on her...