Recent Content by missemma

  1. M

    15 Week Old Kitten- Very tiny with a large belly

    Hi guys, Well the title really says it all but i have a 15 week old Ragdoll kitten who has been very under weight with a big round belly since we got her 4 weeks ago. She has been putting on weight (not as much or as fast as her brother who we have as well), she eats regularly, goes to the...
  2. M

    12 Week Old New Kitten Sick

    Hi Hexiesfriend, Thank you for the advice we might give that a go if we cant settle this soon. Thanks again Emma
  3. M

    12 Week Old New Kitten Sick

    Thanks for the reply Furmonster Mom. We're feeding them exactly the same as the breeder (she even sent us down the right food to us) so we have kept that the same. Will just keep an eye on him and go from there. Thanks again Emma
  4. M

    Pooping Issues

    Hi there, I apologize in advance as this post has probably come up numerous times. We just got two beautiful kittens 5 days ago and we're having trouble with the little girl using the kitty litter for pooping. she seems to be fine with doing pees in there (although in saying that we think she...
  5. M

    12 Week Old New Kitten Sick

    Hi there, I'm a new cat owner and have 5 days ago just had my two beautiful babies arrive at home. The little boy Oscar was fine on the first day but now i think he's unwell. So a couple of days ago he had vomiting (a few times a day), diarrhea, and wasn't eatting. He's definitely purked up...