Recent Content by minniexx

  1. M

    I want to adopt a cat but I already have 2 cats. Help please!

    That's sweet anyhow because the 2 cats u have ,have been together for so long they might not accept mimi but maybe after a month or so they will accept her So I think it would be great to foster mimi don't worry and don't forse the 2 cats to accept her at first it will take some time but after...
  2. M

    Please help!!! Kitten with collapsed lung

    Don't worry it does not cause death but very discomfort for the kitten.My kitten Minnie had it for a while we took her to the vet she wasn't mush help so we gave her meddacine 2 times a day and soon after we got it back.Your kitten most likely had a pease of food that went down the wrong tube...