Recent Content by mhoock

  1. mhoock

    Best toys for a teething kitten

    If you find one let me know. Even with all the toys I provide the fosters some just prefer wires... not sure why (death wish maybe??). Use a water bottle and squirt him when he gets near one and that might change his mind. Other than that I would just have lots and lots of toys to play with and...
  2. mhoock

    Need suggestions on getting kitten to eat something else

    Another option is to see if he will eat AD formula from the vet's office. While its not for long time use it may get him "ok" with the idea of eating canned food at least. It is very easy to mix with other food, so just mixing the chicken in with the AD might get him going. Btw he sounds like...
  3. mhoock


    I have some kittens that will be getting drontal or droncit (unsure of which a friend is able to get a hold of). If it is drontal (which already contains pyrantel) will it be ok to use after I used plain pyrantel? I would not worry about it so much but I dont know when she will get the tapeworm...
  4. mhoock

    Kitten not good

    Ok sorry for the confusion lol he was 3 MONTHS- 4MONTHS. I mistyped that. He was behind his sisters for sure. THey were double his size. He did not make it. We did do an autopsy and found plaque pointing to FIP as well as possible birth defects with his liver, by the looks of it he had liver...
  5. mhoock

    Kitten not good

    he is about 3 weeks old, his sisters were also caught and they weigh over 3.5lbs and he is still under 2lbs
  6. mhoock

    Kitten not good

    Ok so a kitten was rescued about 3.5 weeks ago. He had a ball of feces around his rectum (he is long hair) and there were maggots. The vet cleaned him up and it looked good, no sign the maggots were able to do any internal damage. He didn't have control over his bowels at first but now does...
  7. mhoock

    Can I skip Kitten Vaxs??

    Vaccines are amazingly important. Trust me they stopped my cats from getting distemper and many other viruses. HOWEVER, after the 3 set of kitten shots and a rabies (yes only 3 sets of shots) I do them the next year. Then I do vaccines every other year. This is due to sarcomas AND recent studies...
  8. mhoock

    Herpes,chlamydia, and mico plasma postive

    If your other cats are up to date on shots and have been their entire life you should be just fine. Is there a chance she could give it to them? Yes. BUT my cats have ALWAYS had their shots and unknowningly I had an emergency take in with 2 kittens that had distemper. Guess what? NOT a single...
  9. mhoock

    At home Flea treatment - Homemade Lemon Flea Treatment -Trial-

    dawn dish soap is fine to use on animals... its what they use in oil spills... but do not use it constantly. I say once a month for an actually bath. BUT you can use it in a separate dish to dispose of fleas that you have combed off.
  10. mhoock

    Multiple Cat Issues- Volunteer at a Shelter and I am the 2nd crazy cat lady there

    Misty doesn't eat fast. And she does not like wet food.... such an odd kitty... I am looking into other options for whitey now. after I talk with some people I will update!
  11. mhoock

    Boiled Chicken

    I would stick with one dry food for at least a month because all the changes are hard on them too. Some cats are allergic to chicken. You can try a grain free chicken free dry food and a similar formula wet food as his evening "treat". But you need to change him slowly to a new food. Maybe all...
  12. mhoock

    New Cat - First Timer - Panicking

    Thank you for saving his life! Blind kitties will do just fine with someone like you! If your ever does ok the kitten for some milk replacer for kittens then I just want to say do not buy any hartz brand. Please stick to KMR or 21st Century. Hartz kills. His belly looks good and big! But make...
  13. mhoock

    Boiled Chicken

    don't leave it out. If anything feed it to him when you come home, chicken being left out is not good. Remember if it is people food and you wouldn't eat it then they shouldn't either. Also, don't make it his whole diet. let him have his dry food during the day and the chicken when you get home.
  14. mhoock

    Boiled Chicken

    Sounds like worms/parasites. The blood gives it away more than anything. I would have him dewormed, sometimes it takes 3-4 doses to get rid of them. I have some foster kittens right now and they had to have 3 rounds of treatment for worms and will probably need 1 more. If after treating for...
  15. mhoock

    Cat getting spayed

    Just relax, remember she reads your vibes and will act accordingly! Also, I have had HUNDREDS of cats spayed (I rescue... a LOT). They have all been fine and I go to an old farm vet that doesn't use pain meds, and it is stitches not like now with the glue (BTW he is not cruel but cats tend to...