Recent Content by meowmeow888

  1. M

    Shedded cat nail bloody

    Thank you all so much for your advice! I was worried that he was injured and secretly hiding his pain, but hopefully it was just some overly vigorous scratching! Also, I had no idea the difference between German and English chamomile!
  2. M

    Shedded cat nail bloody

    My cat sheds his nails quite frequently, so it’s not uncommon to see his claws around the house. However, I found a nail shedding with dried blood today! Is there anything to worry about? The nail shedding is hollow, so thankfully it doesn’t seem like my cat ripped out a nail.
  3. M

    The Only Food He Eats Changed Help!

    I rotate between Dr. Elsey’s and Young Again, which is also a low carb kibble. I feed my cat the Zero formula with their probiotic sprinkled in. You could also try their Low-Carb one to see if your cat likes it. They’re super responsive over email, and offer free samples as well!