Recent Content by meerkat

  1. M

    Maine Coon X near Toronto?

    Thanks for the posts! I did a search on the forums and found Hissy's post under the "Stray Cat Dilemma" thread, about how to introduce a new cat. Will try that and see how it goes. Hissy - if you see this post, thanks for taking the time to explain step by step! Most of those things you said...
  2. M

    Maine Coon X near Toronto?

    Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I'll try anything to help Smokey, the cat! :-) See, his owner can't keep him any longer and was going to have him put down yesterday. I couldn't let that happen. I told the owner to bring the cat to me, even though we have never seen him before. He is...
  3. M

    Just need to talk.....

    Bodlover, I just read the whole thread, and am sitting here with tears in my eyes for you and Brandy. My heart goes out to you. My own beloved cat had to be put down last Tuesday, we think partly because of a mistake by a vet (the whole thread is in this forum). I am still crying when I think...
  4. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    Thank you , Janine, for your note. Isn't it wonderful that we can all share feelings and emotions for our furry friends, even though we don't know each other in person? Anne - yes, we did see the lady vet last night. Had to wait more than half an hour. I finally went out again and said to the...
  5. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    HI, everyone, and happy Thanksgiving to those in Canada! We had a lazy day today. I never did go to see that lady vet on Friday, due to the weather. She was going to reschedule anyway. I'm going to see her on Tuesday evening at 6pm. On Saturday my husband phoned around to find out about...
  6. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    (Notes: Dr V is the vet who tried to save my cat, twit-vet is the one who made the mistake (also male) and "she" is the head-vet or whatever her title is, at the Vet Hospital where we took Patches on Sunday night. She has a strange surname; I'm not sure if I have the spelling correct. The...
  7. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    Thank you again, everyone, for your support. Much appreciated. I'm following up with the vets and am busy getting things ready to lay a complaint about the vet. However, if anyone wants to share in that up-and-down, I'm willing to tell the story, but I suppose it should be continued as a...
  8. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    Thanks everyone for your kind words. I can't believe how sad I was over that cat. Every time I see his sandbox, or come to the top of the stairs where he would usually sprawl so you had to step over him, or find a pipe cleaner somewhere, I started bawling again. We buried him tonight while the...
  9. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    10 am here Up and down on the emotional roller coaster. The vet just phoned. Patches was kept overnight. His temperature is sub-normal. He is too cold, due to too much toxins that built up in his blood because the bladder was not unblocked in time.. His bladder lost the ability to let him know...
  10. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    Just minutes ago, the other vet phoned. He said Patches woke up after the sedation of this morning, he pulled the catheder out by himself and drank some water on his own. He said Patches looks a whole lot better than this morning. He wants to keep him overnight to make sure Patches can urinate...
  11. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    Thank you very much for the updates, and sharing your stories! Much appreciated to know that there are others who understand. Isn't the Internet wonderful? The second vet called a while ago. He said it was easy to unblock, and then he put a catheter in to flush the bladder. It got blocked...
  12. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    HI, Missycat Thanks for your input. Yes I read about your cat, and my heart goes out to you. Here is the latest update - and I have to say, I am so angry at the vet from last night! Back then I thought I was just upset about my cat, but he did mess up big time, according to a second opinion we...
  13. M

    Question about FIP? Please help!

    I have just found this forum (I'm a member of the Chins & Quills forum) to try and get some input about our cat. He is normally a fine, healthy cat; very beautiful, easy-going and no problems up to now. He is almost 4 years old; neutered. The last few weeks, we noticed that he would...