Recent Content by matth3w

  1. M

    Does my kitty just not like me?

    Any suggestions?
  2. M

    Does my kitty just not like me?

    Sometimes I have to catch her. I try to give her treats to encourage her to come around and be more social.
  3. M

    Does my kitty just not like me?

    Or is it normal for a cat to run from you at least 50% of the time when you bend over to pet them?
  4. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I did, and super glad that I did. My neighbor is going to watch her at my condo for free and she spends the entire day cuddled up next to my Doxie. They are already inseparable.
  5. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    Well I talked to the shelter today; they all but begged for me to take her. I explained the situation to the first woman, who was really concerned if I had someone that could kitty-sit at my place or watch her at theirs (which I do, except I have to pay, but the end result is the same). After...
  6. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I don't travel until September...I was actually thinking of taking her with me in September by plane...usually though I cannot take her because we travel as military by plane. Even though it is commercial air, I wouldn't want her up and down that many times on short trips. But September I was...
  7. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I mean, I could find her another owner. Other than that, I can't really say. The woman that boards LOVES cats (the name of her place is the Scratch Pad and she even has a license plate that says MEOOOWW) and might be able to help place her. I dunno. I want to keep her and give her a good...
  8. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    No, they already have two doxies as it is. She would have great company when she is here, and plenty of kitties to play with (could she become adjusted?) at the boarding house. But yet it does get expensive, and she might get upset. How would I know if she was upset? Maybe I could try for...
  9. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I feel like she wants to be here...and even though she only spent a week here before going back to the shelter to get her shots and spay, my doxie runs and looks for her under the bed and around the condo as soon as we come in from a walk... Even after four days she would jump up on the bed at...
  10. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    Wait and see what? Obviously I don't want to board her. But I respect cat owners' opinions who have owned cats longer and that's why I came here. If people feel strongly I should let her go, then I guess I can part with her.
  11. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    Probably the next few years. She is about three months and is a gray/black/white tabby.
  12. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    Should I ask the shelter to see what they think to weigh in on it? Like if they think she will get adopted or if they have too many, etc?
  13. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I'm going to be gone the month of September. I should have made it a better post and clarified by saying up to 14 days per month. Could be none, three, or up to two weeks. The month thing is for language refresher training and won't normally happen.
  14. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I thank everyone for responding thus for the boarding (and no I am not trying to come up with an answer for every point) the boarder I use runs the boarding place out of her home. She has 11 cats full time, and all kinds of other animals that have a run of the house (and yard if you...
  15. M

    Please help! Need your opinion re: adopting kitten!

    I didn't know I would be traveling when I got her. I want to keep her...the shelter has like 400 kittens and is on the border of Mexico