Recent Content by marniemoonlight

  1. marniemoonlight

    3yo cat - scab advice

    Thank you! I am a nervous kitty mommy...and she isn't a kitty anymore
  2. marniemoonlight

    3yo cat - scab advice

    My 3 year old cat started limping like her back was hurt. I took her to vet. They treated with steroids. She was still off. Went and got a 2nd opinion. New vet ran X-rays and gave her a pain shot. Several days later, my cat is much better. Then I noticed a lump. Back to the vet and...
  3. marniemoonlight

    Furminator - anyone have one?

    It is a knock off I am sure not half as powerful as the real thing. She is still quite furry and happy to be brushed.
  4. marniemoonlight

    Alternative to Litter Genie?

    I have a litter genie and it is the best! I have tried every cat otter (seriously my sister was going to have an intervention). I have found Ever Clean to be the best. It can be a but dusty but honestly for odor control and...
  5. marniemoonlight

    Furminator - anyone have one?

    What kind of grooming comb due you use, molldee?
  6. Furminator - anyone have one?

    Furminator - anyone have one?

  7. marniemoonlight

    Furminator - anyone have one?

    I purchased the Furminator Hairball Prevention waterless spray. I have used it once a week and I am brushing her several times a day with a Furminator knock off and makings lovely piles of hair. How much brushing is too much? ?
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  9. marniemoonlight

    March Picture of the Month - Kittens!

    Lilli at 6 months and recent she will be 2 in April.
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  12. marniemoonlight

    Vaccines and sick

    The swelling went down fairly soon after the Benedryl. The picture in my profile is current. She is sleepy but so much better.
  13. marniemoonlight

    Vaccines and sick

    My cat was very tired after vaccinations yesterday. I had planned on only getting her the FVRCP and was talked into one year rabies. This morning she woke me whining like she was in pain and dry heaving. Her right cheek also looked a bit swollen. I found info on the web that suggested...