Recent Content by marinegirl87

  1. M

    Momma Kitty Questions

    Yes, Miss Sandy did eat the placentas, and all herself on I know atleast 3 of them. 2 of them I am not sure. My mother was in the room with her, and my mom said she "helped" her with two of them because she was having problems. I put her food and water bowl beside her box so all she has to do is...
  2. M

    Momma Kitty Questions

    After Miss Sandy has given birth to her kittens, I realized she isnt leaving her box. The kittens are nursing just fine and all, and I was only wondering if I need to be feeding Miss Sandy while she is in the box. Ive read in several places that she wont come out of the box for a few days, and...
  3. M

    Momma Kitty Questions

    Anyways, Miss Sandy gave birth today at 1 pm. She now has 5 adorable baby kittens. She took to them very well, which I am very glad of because I was at school, and my dad freaks at the sight of blood, or births. *rolls her eyes* Anyways, We're welcoming 3 grey and 2 black kitties to our family...
  4. M

    Horrible story of a kitten

    2 winters ago we had a very bad ice storm here in NC. At the time we had an indoor siamese kitten, only a couple months old. She managed to get out the door while a family member was coming in. We noticed wihin a few minutes that she was missing. I went outside, there was 6 inches of snow on the...
  5. M

    Momma Kitty Questions

    Hi, I currently have a female cat who is very pregnant. Her belly is very big, and when I press on her nipples the milk comes out. But she isnt producing any discharge or anything else. Im a teenager, and this is my very first female cat. When I got her she was a stray, very skinny, and very...