Recent Content by marianjela

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  4. marianjela

    Bringing death up to a child..

    We have had several close family members pass away over the last 5 years: my mother's brother died of melanoma at age 59, my husband's mother of ovarian cancer, and my husband's sister died of lymphoma at age 42. I have 5 kids, aged 5-17; kids know and understand more than what we give them...
  5. marianjela

    Game: Love It Or Leave It

    Love it (if I can get any TV time to myself!) Bowling???
  6. marianjela

    My oldest son might have to have surgery

    I hope only for the best for your son, and I hope you the time between now and however long it takes for your team to figure out what it going on is smooth and swift. I know first hand how excruciating waiting can be. Good luck at tomorrow's appointment, I will be thinking of you's!
  7. marianjela

    Game: Love It Or Leave It

    Brrr..... (from snowy Erie PA here) leave it! Crocheting?
  8. marianjela

    So everything fell apart

    I'm sorry your fosters had to leave early, but you were a wonderful foster dad while you had them and I enjoyed reading our updates and blog about them. Thanks for sharing!
  9. marianjela

    Guess what I'm reading?

    Knight Triumphant by Shannon Drake ????
  10. marianjela

    New Game...Afternoon Scrabble....

    I say TREBLE, you say...
  11. marianjela

    Guess what I'm reading?

    Yay!!! You go it. The book sat in my closet for some time and I just dug i out a week ago. By the time I got to the middle of the book I couldnt put it down. Love books like that, though my sleepy, heavy eyelids doth protest! You're up!
  12. marianjela

    Guess what I'm reading?

    I went to bed with my book last night, which was my first mistake. I was a little more than half way through the 293-page hardback and was amazed at how much had happened already in just the first half. Well, I didnt put the book down until my alarm went off at 6:45 this morning and a couple...
  13. marianjela

    Guess what I'm reading?

    I havent read this, but I know from reading the KatKwery posts, that the book you just finished is: Stephen King's book "On Writing" haha, now I can explain my book - that is if I'm right
  14. marianjela

    New Game...Afternoon Scrabble....

    Oh good one! I say RATTLE, you say...
  15. marianjela

    KatKwery Super Bowl! - Game 2 - Oct. 20

    To all the generous KatKwiz/KatKwery benefactors: Thank You for affording us such fun! To Lee, DW and Persi & Alley: It was one heck of a 6 months!!! You put in a lot of time for us and I salute you! To my worthy KK competitors: My hats off to you! The friendships I formed during this...