Recent Content by marcimay

  1. M

    HELP 6wk has lumps on leg joints

    I took Bingo to the vet and they thinkhe has a blood infection, caused from nursing (his mother was attacked by something when he was about 3 wks old and she had some open wounds and things....) So with him being so young, his immune system is weak and he is running a high temp from the...
  2. M

    HELP 6wk has lumps on leg joints

    I am taking him first thing in the AM..... Thanks
  3. M

    HELP 6wk has lumps on leg joints

    I am new here, but scared to death. My 6 week old developed a lump on his right front knee area aout a week ago, I have been watching it and it started to swell over the weekend. I shaved around it and there is no punctures or tears in skin, but it is red and very warm to the touch. It is the...