Recent Content by map82485

  1. M

    Help! Foam ball swallowed - unsure what to do

    Hi everyone! Thanks for asking about Duncan, I apologize for not updating, my phone broke and it was my only access online. Anyway, I have great news! Duncan pulled through CHF the second night after being in the O2 tank and on and heart meds. His kidney levels were still high but the doctor...
  2. M

    Help! Foam ball swallowed - unsure what to do

    A very sad update: the vet called around 2:30am, Duncan couldn't stabilize his breathing so they took an xray and found fluid in and around his lungs and heart. I authorized an echocardiogram for this morning and he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a thickening of heart muscles as well as...
  3. M

    Help! Foam ball swallowed - unsure what to do

    Thank you all for confirming what my gut was telling me. A few people thought I was over reacting, turns out he has at least 7 of the balls logged in his colon. It's also blocking the bladder and had I not gone tonight it could have been far worse. They are keeping him overnight for fluids and...
  4. M

    Help! Foam ball swallowed - unsure what to do

    I have a 5mth male who is normally ridiculously active and happy. 3 nights ago he vomited and within it was two small foam balls. These are from holiday decorations - the red holly berry type, they look more like cranberries especially in size. He acted fine after that. The following night he...