Recent Content by mantis

  1. M

    outdoor cat conversion

    I have been using a figure 8 "ferret" type harness for leash training and it's a lot of trouble to get on and off. Also my cat hunches way down, he doesn't like the feel of the harness on his fur. Does anybody have expierience with these: or something...
  2. M

    outdoor cat conversion

    He has a break away collar, that's why I don't like using it. Cat's are very squishy, it makes it harder to tell if the harness is too tight. The way he holds his sholders and walks when he wears it, looks like it's tight, but i can still get my fingers inside the harness. Anyway, today we...
  3. M

    outdoor cat conversion

    When he was flopped I was worried his harness was too tight or something, so I caved and switched to his collar(which worries me more). Cats are just too squishy and flexible to get a harness on with confidence! Do cats ever get uninterested in escaping? Eventually I'm going to have to trust him...
  4. M

    outdoor cat conversion

    Well today when he was meowing at the door I thought I'd take him for a leash walk. Didn't go so well. He didnt like the harness so he just layed down outside and flipped his tail back and forth. When we walked every step he would hiss and growl. Eventually I decided I'd better bring him in and...
  5. M

    outdoor cat conversion

    The idea of this conversion has not been well received. Unfortunately, I cannot guard the door 24x7, so I have to trust my family. They have stated their opinions that it is "unnatural" and unfair to keep him in. Perhaps I am like a child who is unable to take their dying parent off the...
  6. M

    outdoor cat conversion

    Background : I got my cat when I was in Elementary school; he was young and pretty wild. We had wallpaper that he loved to scratch , he also liked to attack the furniture and stalk our feet. Eventually my parents decided he had to be declawed (front only, he still has back claws). We tried for...