Recent Content by MandaSueLovesCats

  1. MandaSueLovesCats

    Help! Any Idea What Could Be Causing These Face Twitches?

    Thank you both for your replay. I had called the vet after I got the videos and asked them if they wanted me to email it to them or just bring Nefarian and the videos in for an appointment. She said that since the blood work came back fine and he doesn’t have any other symptoms (eating and...
  2. MandaSueLovesCats

    Help! Any Idea What Could Be Causing These Face Twitches?

    Hello all! Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Our 10 year old neutered male kitty Nefarian has been having “episodes” for about 2 to 3 weeks. During these episodes he will start to have face twitching, act disoriented or scared, and either stumble or fall over. This lasts maybe...