Recent Content by magderb

  1. M

    Potty Training

    Shenanigans... That's what these two are up to! Sere woke up and went to the litter box first thing thing this morning! She's doing great! Last night, I could hear her in the bathroom, scratching away like no tomorrow. I was like "You go girl", but got curious as it got increasingly emphatic. I...
  2. M

    Potty Training

    I've got a squatter!!  I'll admit when I'm working, I'm not paying a ton of attention to her... But when I'd go, I'd take her, and two times she went, liberally rewarded with kitty treats.  When I was done with my work, I came into the living room, still rubber float covered, and she came to...
  3. M

    Potty Training

    WE WENT POTTY!!!! I say WE as it was a group activity! As I stated I put a deflated pool floaty over the cushions of the sofa and part way up the back. I could tell she had to go potty, she would start to squat, I'd pick her up and then put her in the litter box. We did this 3 times. I was...
  4. Potty Training

    Potty Training

  5. M

    Potty Training

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  7. M

    Potty Training

    Yes, she went to the vet. Vet said she likely prefers the texture of the sofa to the litter box, so I changed to a finer litter. Still no difference, other than peeing on me while blissfully purring away. I saw somewhere someone suggested putting a puppy pads down, and putting them near/in the...
  8. Kitten not peeing in litter box

    Kitten not peeing in litter box

  9. M

    Kitten not peeing in litter box

    Did you bring up the crying then peeing to your vet? Or did this happen after the vet? If after, or you didn't mention it, I'd take her back.  Sounds like kitten is going through a lot of change/stress... here's a thread about stress induced...
  10. Serendipity.jpg


  11. M

    Kitten not peeing in litter box

    Sounds like a UTI. Very painful, that would explain the crying. I would take her to the vet, they can give her medicine to make her feel better! It would be like you having a bladder or yeast infection, constantly feeling like you have to go and nothing but pain when it does happen. Poor baby...
  12. M

    Potty Training

    Okay, I'm at a complete loss!!  I just finished working, took the cover off the sofa, sat down, and she hopped up and sat on my lap. I felt something warm... She was PEEING ON MY LAP!!! I just put her in the bathroom, I don't know what to do, she is going to destroy my sofa! I'd never get rid of...
  13. M

    Kitten/Cat Introduction

    My two cats are freaks... I just got a new kitten also and they liked each other immediately. I've had 2 kittens in my life, and 4 adult cats. The last adult cat I adopted as a kitten I got at 10 years old, I had her for 15 years after. Amazing I know, but  2 weeks ago she passed away. Derby was...
  14. M

    Potty Training

    HI! I'm Jessica,  I have a new kitten, 9 weeks old, she's been here 6 days. I realized this weekend she wasn't using her litter box, looked for signs that she was using Derby James' box, but there were no tiny poos, just DJ's big ones. So my immediate question was where is she going, I didn't...
  15. M

    Do Cats Mourn the Loss of Another Cat?

    Update!! The last two days have been a bit of sniffing and touching. Derby James licked her head while she was eating it was so cute. Maggie would have ripped his tongue out with her teeth. LOL  Today they officially started playing together over a straw and some tissue paper from a shoe...