Recent Content by lynneros

  1. L

    I don't know might be traumatizing

    Dear friends I located this website that offers a product that I feel could be traumatizing to cats. I wonder if it is a good product and if you would consider using it. In addition has anyone used such a product and what are better alternatives to prevent cat damage to households. Have a great...
  2. L

    Cats Rights Important

    Dear friends Here are some interesting sites on animal rights that you might want to check out to increase your knowledge. Have a great day and I hope you enjoy. animal rights Cats rights2
  3. L


    Thank you positive feed back is always nice to hear. I will be posting new informative sites when I find them. Have a lovely day, hope to hear from you soon.
  4. L

    what are you reading these days?

    Dear friends I am reading this book called The Magic Of Thinking Big. I've never been interested in motivational books before but last year I just started and have been reading one per month. Since then I now perceive the world with different eyes and a clearer mind. I recommend these books...
  5. L


    Dear Friends Here is a informative site that compares various types of kitty litter. I found it useful I hope you do to. Site
  6. L


    Dear gert452000 I hope you follow up on these replies and take your pet to the vet. Don't give up hope be strong with proper care and love alot of positive things can happen. All the best here is a prayer I found for you. A Prayer For All Animals..... Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our...
  7. L


    Hello friends I am a new user who is excited to communicate with other cat owners and also about learning new concepts. Hope to hear from you soon. Have a great day