Recent Content by lwenr895

  1. lwenr895

    Drooling, Won't Eat or Drink. HELP!

    What happened with mine was unique. It was Christmas time and he must have licked the pine comes that we're decorated.. So the vet thinks. They have a certain oil that made his tongue sore. We put him on pain medication and he darted to eat that night. That was after they told me he would die...
  2. lwenr895

    Drooling, Won't Eat or Drink. HELP!

    He has started to eat.. gradually.  Yesterday the vet called me at work and told me he was dying. OVER THE PHONE... NICE! Turns out he has something called DIC.  They tried to take a blood sample but couldn't fully because his blood was instantly clotting around the needle.  They could tell me...
  3. lwenr895

    Drooling, Won't Eat or Drink. HELP!

    In 24 hrs excessive drooling, ulcers ion tongue in the last 12hrs, won't eat or drink.  Nausea meds not working, vet did x-ray and blood work.. X-ray good blood work ok but blood is clotting very fast.  She said as soon as she drew it clotted.  Hard to get all blood work done. Tongue corroding...
  4. lwenr895

    Drooling, Won't Eat or Drink. HELP!

    Never goes outside and we don't have plants. We are at the vet again now.
  5. lwenr895

    Drooling, Won't Eat or Drink. HELP!

    My 6 year old cat, Pia, is a alpha Maine Coon.  He has never been ill before.  Yesterday around 10:30, I noticed his tongue sticking out.  At first, I didn't think anything of it.  Then, I noticed he was drooling.  He is not an affectionate cat and does not like to be held.  I picked him up and...
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  7. lwenr895

    Kitten w/severe diarrhea :/

    Update: This morning we called the adoption place and were told they would talk to the vet about possibly having a free examination as well as having a free test of the fecal matter. The doctor wasn't in yet and they told us they'd get back to us. We also contacted the vet we took her to down...
  8. lwenr895

    Kitten w/severe diarrhea :/

    catsallaround, Lady is approximately 7 months old. I just called the vet where I took her and am waiting to hear from the vet on a possible new medication or what I am to do. Meanwhile, my boyfriend called the adoption/hospital where we adopted her. The receptionist told us that she would be...
  9. lwenr895

    Kitten w/severe diarrhea :/

    stephanietx, Thanks for the quick response. I have had her stool checked at the previous vet and nothing came up. She has been dewormed. She is currently taking Albon. It is a 1 oz bottle. She is to take 2 ml a day. Like I stated before, she has been on it for 9 days now. She...
  10. lwenr895

    Kitten w/severe diarrhea :/

    I recently brought home a little playmate, Lady for my 4 year old male cat, Pia. I adopted her, and they told me that she was healthy. The moment I brought her home I changed her food. From the moment I brought her home she had diarrhea. She never had one solid stool. I thought this was...
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