Recent Content by ludosmom

  1. L

    Round Open Ulcer / Lung Cancer and Letting Go

    That's so beautiful. I haven't thought about asking him. You're right; the things I try to put into words to make sure I communicate our bond is that this is my soul cat. It's why I call him "overly attached cat boyfriend." I adopted him when he was 4. He was so skittish that first day; then...
  2. L

    Round Open Ulcer / Lung Cancer and Letting Go

    I'm already diving into this. Thank you so much for sharing. I have a feeling this will be an amazing resource.
  3. L

    Round Open Ulcer / Lung Cancer and Letting Go

      Mod Note: Merged from another thread. Hi guys, My "cat boyfriend" was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The vet said it's fast, that it probably popped up within the last four months, and that it's extremely aggressive. Obviously, I'm pretty sure most of you can guess what that visit to...
  4. L

    Round Open Ulcer / Lung Cancer and Letting Go

    I am so sorry for my late response, but I was dealing with some really bad news. The ulcer is just a weird abscess or something that isn't healing well because Ludo's immune system is down. From the day I posted until the day I got him to the vet (I actually had them do an emergency visit), he'd...
  5. L

    Round Open Ulcer / Lung Cancer and Letting Go

    Hi Guys! My cat love, Ludo, has always been a reasonably healthy 12 year old kitty. About two weeks ago, however, he developed a sudden spot on the top of his front leg, right about the joint where his leg and paw meet. It seemed like overnight the spot went from a tiny spot to the size of a...
  6. treating_a_dogs_wound_m5.jpg

